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A member registered Jun 15, 2020

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

Do you guys have an official area where people can submit suggestions?

1.) Personally I think the BIGGEST thing to keep in mind is make the game modes VERY customizable. Any features added allow them to be toggled on/off.

2.) I think being able to SAVE custom game modes is a must. Being able to share them with friends either with an in game system OR Steam Workshops type deal would be amazing and will add a long life to the game!

I feel from that point you guys could sell all kinds of cosmetics and the community could keep making crazy new game modes with all the custom settings.

But you'd need to allow stuff like current settings like reporting dead bodies to be disabled for custom game modes like "Hide and seek" style. 

Hope you guys see this, we all love the game! Keep up the great work!